by Jack Beacham | Oct 23, 2020 | Business Strategy
According to Rare Brain Capital: Let’s start with the first reason. The reality is that in many cases business owners create the perfect conditions that reduce company value. When the business owner starts their business, the rules are simple. Don’t take no for an...
by Jack Beacham | May 10, 2020 | Business Strategy
A Windows-centric world works wonders for Microsoft and, arguably, for the one to two billion people that use a Windows device in some fashion every day. True, Apple, Google, their billions of customers and proponents and users of UNIX/Linux have something to say... by Jack Beacham | Apr 27, 2020 | Business Strategy, podcasts
Martyn Jones, long-time consultant, Big Data Contrarian and joyful Welshman is the author of Laughing@BigData. Martyn’s range of knowledge, skills and experience span executive management, organizational strategy, strategic business performance and information... by Jack Beacham | Apr 20, 2020 | Business Strategy, cash flow
Every number has a name; every name has a family–somewhere. I mourn their loss. I am grateful to the healthcare workers and first responders, as always. And, I am grateful that the peak of the pandemic appears to be passing, at least here in the US. Numbers...
by Jack Beacham | Nov 11, 2017 | 80/20, Business Strategy, time management
Reading Time: 10 minutesThis article is adapted from two “TED Talk” presentations at the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission Conference, August-September, 2017. [Presentations found here: For PDF copies of presentations click here.]How can you lead a complex,...
by Jack Beacham | Feb 11, 2016 | 80/20, Business Strategy
Reading Time: 4 minutesBelief can be the hardest step. Belief in the future, despite the present. Belief in ourselves, despite the past. Belief that, today, the ice will hold, despite it never having held before. How can we have a belief in the future, despite all of...