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Frequently Asked Questions

I frequently get asked questions, both in real-life and on various social media platforms like QuoraGabMinds, etc. 

I have curated the most popular of these here.


Keep On Keeping On

We live in violent times. In Paris, there are scenes of people going about their lives with some sense of normalcy. Normalcy as act of solidarity. Normalcy as an act of defiance. We are thinking about when and where the next attack will be. And we try not to think, as...

What you can learn from Losing a Million Dollars

What Not To Do One summer, legendary trader Jim Paul entered a trade based on fundamentals, insight and intuition. As the trade entered its second month, Paul knew he had a winner. He was sitting on a substantial gain and was dreaming about even greater profits. That...

Purpose: the Moment of Power in Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes— In this conversation, Bob and Jack discuss the beauty of having a purpose as well as its practical implications. The most important of which is how purpose can influence one’s business decisions, specifically how it shapes exit strategy.

5 Insights into Exit Strategy

From Successful Cleveland Entrepreneur Bob Titmas As owner and CEO of ABCO Fire since 1992, Bob Titmas has presided over the fire protection service company's growth from its Northeast Ohio beginnings into a regional leader in its market across five states. In a...

Customer Service Strategies – Intro

Reading Time: 2 minutesBarbara Khozam is a customer service speaker and expert. She is ranked in the top 1% of leading trainers in the US. Barbara Khozam has spoken to more than 35,000 people throughout 8 countries about customer service strategies and similar topics. In this podcast, Jack (Beacham) talks to Barbara about customer service strategies.

Is Your Business a Holy Ride Yourself to Know?

Bring meaning and purpose to your businessA business moves from simply surviving to thriving by way of a relentless focus on adding value to the lives of its customers. Peter Drucker had it right: “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” Take...

One Part Valuation, One Part Negotiation

There is an inherent tension in a negotiation between a founder and an investor. An experienced investor knows this. Even an inexperienced investor knows this. Anybody who has ever been asked to provide money in exchange for an intangible - or tangible asset - knows...

Cash Flow Worries?

If you are concerned about your business cash flow, then you should be using a cash flow forecast.*** Indeed, I urge you to use a daily cash flow forecast to run your business, to set out the basic principles and prerequisites for implementing and using a forecast and...